Sunday 11 August 2013

5 Things Wrong With Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim had all the ingredients to be a summer blockbuster, giant robots, alien monsters, and the end of the world. But there were some glaring problems that even Idris Elba's stellar performance couldn't save. Here I will count down five slap your head moments that left Pacific Rim cowering in the shadows of its gargantuan monsters.

1) Jaeger pilots feeling pain.

The opening sequence gave us our first Jaeger Vs. Kaiju fight. Raleigh's Jaeger was defeated and had its arm destroyed, which bizarrely also injured his own arm. This seems like quite the design fault considering  Jaegers are built to do battle. Perhaps both the Jaeger and the pilot's nervous systems are synchronised so closely that both parties feel each others pain. So then why doesn't Rayleigh feel pain when he is trampling over buildings? And do his feet get chilly when he wades through the ocean?

2) Raleigh's scar.

In the aforementioned attack , Raleigh's Jaeger was opened up leaving him exposed to the monsters vicious blows. This time he was physically hurt by the beast leaving him with a claw shaped scar.  Sure it provided the female viewers with a bit of tough guy eye candy but the Kaiju's claws must be over 6ft each and well quite frankly his scar looks more savage girlfriend than marine monster. The proportions just don't add up.

 3) Water depth.
If you have ever swam out to sea you will know that the water gets deep very quickly. Unfortunately Pacific Rim seems to neglect any sense of water depth with Jaegers strolling around miles off the coast with water barely knee high. Granted the action would be a lot slower underwater but when a Jaeger has water to the ankles and a Kaiju suddenly springs up from the depths, you start to scratch your head.

4) Communicating through dimensions.

The Kaiju emerged through a portal from a different dimension. When Raleigh travelled through the portal, in his nuclear primed Jaeger, I sat in awe dazzled at what I was seeing. The moment was captured beautifully by an eerie silence as Raleigh passed into a new world. Then like a unwanted aunt at a wedding, his radio started blaring with the voices of the scientists communicating... THROUGH DIMENSIONS! Considering it takes light approximately eight minutes and twenty seconds to travel from the sun to earth its implausible that humans are now capable of sending sound through dimensions with no delay whatsoever.

 5) Super powered Helicopters
Helicopters carry water to fight fires, transport smaller vehicles, and pick up the odd damsel in distress. But now they can add carrying Jaegers to their repertoire. In the picture below it clearly shows eight helicopters carrying a 250ft robot to its destination. Over at editor Rhett Allain laboriously worked out it would take 640 Chinook choppers to carry the mass of a single Jaeger, leaving us with a slight discrepancy.

Full Calculations -

Did you notice any other problems with Pacific Rim? Share your find with Jordan's World Of Pixels in the comments section below.

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1 comment:

  1. 1) Decision by government to abandon the Jaeger program proven to be successful and just build walls was just downright stupid.

    2) The ease to which Idris Elba jumped into the Jaeger with the guy from Eastenders after 2 hrs of the film setting up the premise that Jaeger partners were extremely rare.

    3) Terrible dialogue

    4) Main character was completely lame.
